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My Journey at FIU

My experience as an undergraduate student at Florida International University has been phenomenal. I have learned far more than in these last four years than what I initially anticipated. I now consider myself to be a more globally aware citizen. 

I gained knowledge about other cultures, histories, and people through the classes I took, the events I attended and the research I engaged in. I had the opportunity to learn about contemporary international problems, world religions, political violence and revolutions, human rights, and international relations theory. Besides, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend events such as the Latin American Briefing with United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Mario-Diaz Balart, Carlos Curbelo and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Not a Statistics: Indigenous Women Global Challenges and Drug Wars: The True Story Behind Narcos. Narcos is a series in Netflix series chronicling the rise of Pablo Escobar and the cocaine trade in Colombia who was captured by two DEA agents. 

All of our lives have become globalized; whether through the Internet or social media, the way in which we are affected by the global economy; or even through our love of world art, music, and food. I realized that although I have gained so much knowledge, I still have more to learn and provide to my community. As a global citizen, I believe it is imminent that we advocate for local and global level policy changes that address the problems the world faces such as environmental degradation, women rights, inequality, and lack of education, etc. This has inspired me to advocate for global change whether it be through petitions, demonstrations, or marches and want to immerse myself in other cultures. I plan on dedicating some of my time to volunteering with cause-driven non-profit organizations to help those in need and traveling aboard. 
I leave my Undergraduate education knowing that the skills I gained while at FIU are timeless. I learned how to critically think, become a better writer, speaker, and researcher. As a global learning student, I have learned to be more emphatic, understating of differing perspectives, and proactive. Thus, I have faith in myself, my abilities and my dreams to continue to fight for what I want for myself and the world.

Reflection: About
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